Edit the map name, author and miscellaneous settings below.
Select a tile type from the palette on the left to draw it on the map. You can click and drag on the map for faster drawing. Different tools are available for drawing multiple tiles at once including a line and rectangle shape tool. Mouseover the icons below to see additional information about each tool and click the headings for more details.
Portals have modifiable cooldown times, which is 0 seconds by default when using this map editor. To modify a portal's cooldown time, place a portal on the map and shift+click the tile. Enter a new portal cooldown time in the dialog box that appears. Or, modify the default portal cooldown time and all portals at once by shift+clicking the portal icon on the left of the screen. Note that cooldown times must be greater than or equal to 0 and entered in milliseconds where 1000 milliseconds is equivalent to 1 second.
Buttons have modifiable timers as well. By default, button timers are 0 seconds meaning that any button pressed does not remain held down when a player leaves the button. Shift+click a button to change its timer or shift+click the button icon on the left screen to modify the default button timer and change the timer of all buttons at once. Note that button timers are given in seconds and any negative number can be used to make a button permanently active once pressed.
Spawn points and mars balls are placed on top of other map elements. Spawn points can only be placed on floor tiles or team tiles, but mars balls can be placed on top of any other tile type.
Additionally, spawn points have modifiable radii and weights. To modify a spawn point's radius and weight, shift+click the spawn tile on the map. Spawn tiles have a default radius of 5 tiles and a default weight of 1. Increase the weight to increase the frequency that players spawn in that area. The spawn radius must be greater than or equal to 0 where a radius of 0 will force all spawns to that tile only. You can also modify all spawn tiles at once by shift+clicking the spawn ball icon on the left of the screen. Note that both red and blue spawn tiles share the same default settings and will all be changed.
You can also resize, rotate, flip, and mirror your map at any point. You can also undo/redo changes by either pressing the undo/redo buttons or pressing z to undo and y to redo. To resize your map you can either use the main resizing tool which will allow you to pick a specific size, or you can quickly add a row or column anywhere on the map by using either of the other two resizing tools. Mouseover the icons below for more information on each tool.
To quickly change the selected tile type, hotkeys are set up for the most common tools and map elements. Press and hold the alt key to temporarily view the hotkeys or double press the alt key to keep the hotkeys permanently visible until you press the alt key again. You can also ctrl+click on an element on the map itself to easily change the selected tile type that.
While editing, your map will auto-save to cache every so often as you make changes. Maps are also automatically saved when leaving the page or when refreshed. In addition to the default map saving, there are 3 slots to save maps to. Maps slots can only be saved to manually and are great for working on multiple projects at once.